Friday, May 6, 2011


Cashew nut production in Mozambique higher than official figures

  • Friday, May 6, 2011
  • Thùy Miên
  • Maputo, Mozambique, 6 May – Cashew production in Mozambique may currently be higher than 200,000 tons, which far exceeds official statistics that currently point to production of 90,000 tons, according to Mozambican daily newspaper Notícias.

    The paper said that the discrepancy was because most of the product was sold outside the formal market on account of the lack of an appropriate retail network in rural areas, which makes its inclusion in official statistics difficult.

    Notícias also cited a study drawn up by an independent consultant confirming that production exceeds 200,000 tons, which, the paper notes, coincides with indicators provided by the Agricultural Survey (TIA) drawn up by the Agriculture Ministry together with the National Statistics Institute (INE).

    Both the consultant and the TIA note the increased availability of cashews on the informal market affecting statistics provided by the National Cashew Institute (Incaju), which are only based on the goods found in retail and export corridors and does not count cashews sold in cities, along roads or what is consumed by the producers themselves.

    In the last few years Mozambique has increased its cooperation in the cashew sector with Vietnam, which is the world’s second-largest cashew producer.


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