Monday, January 23, 2012
Excise raids net liquor worth over Rs 80,000
PANAJI: Excise officials have seized liquor worth over Rs 80,000 from across the state over the past two days.
Salcete excise officials seized a cache of 264 bulk litres of liquor was worth 22,600. Sources told TOI that 26 cartons of whisky from a truck parked near the godown of the liquor company on January 21. Sources inform that the driver could not produce the necessary permits for the same. Two cartons of Indian Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) were also seized.
Excise officials in Tiswadi seized 161 bulk litres of liquor worth 13,400 from a bar. Sources said the liquor included 8 cartons of beer and 16 cases of IMFL.
A raid in Mapusa, led to seizure of liquor worth 11,000 being seized. Sources told TOI that 79.5 bulk litres of IMFL, including whisky bottles of leading brands, were seized on January 21. It is suspected that the liquor was to be transported to Karnataka. An FIR has been lodged.
On January 23, Bardez excise officials also booked two cases of illegal sale of beer and assorted IMFL worth 500.
Sattari excise officialsseized 68 bulk litres of IMFL and 6 bulk litres of cashew worth 10,500 on January 22. The unaccounted liquor was seized from a bar. The officials also seized 13 bulk litres of liquor worth nearly 1,000 the previous day. Two raids on January 21 in Mormugao netted a haul of 24 bulk litres of liquor worth 2,800.
Quepem officials conducted five raids the same day booking four cases of illegal sale. In all, 67 bulk litres of liquor - including five cartons of beer, six bottles of IMFL and 30 bulk litres of cashew feni - worth 4,700 were seized.

This post was written by: HaMienHoang (admin)
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