Monday, August 27, 2012
Brazil Investors to set up cashew nut processing plant in Ghana next year
Some investors from Brazil have settled on putting up a cashew nut processing plant in Ghana early next year.
The decision was arrived at after months of survey for a suitable location for the factory in a West African country.
Joy Business they have secured almost all the necessary documentation for the factory to start operations.
Brazil’s Ambassador to Ghana,Irene Vida Gala has been speaking to Joy Business about the project.
“There is one private group from Barzil which has been improving cashew nut in Ghana and they have decided to invest and establish here in Ghana to send to the US and European markets. They are about to conclude negotiations with the government and we’re going to have the name and the quantities out” she noted.
This post was written by: HaMienHoang (admin)
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